Emerging Spirit is the home to all things spiritual - coaching, workshops, articles and publications.

Our goal is to provide practical spirituality, where information is supported by experiences that are created in a safe and supportive atmosphere. We never want you to take our word for anything. It is our deepest wish that you explore and test our ideas and theories for yourself.

Experiential spirituality says you get to know the Divine through your own experiences. Each time you meditate or pray and are touched by the Divine, you deepen your relationship with It. Over time you no longer doubt Its existence because you've built up enough of these experiences to prove Spirit to yourself.


We have two books currently published and one on the way.

Spiritual Communion: Cultivating Constant Connection with the Divine is an in-depth exploration of this key spiritual practice. Written from an interfaith perspective, this book looks at our need for connection and what gets in the way of achieving it, the process for establishing Communion as a practice, ways we flee from our Sacred Self and how to return, and how to incorporate Communion into our daily routine. Click here for more information.

Amazed by Grace is a collection of essays written over twenty years, as the author returned again and again to her singular obsession – grace. Each explores a different avenue through which grace can be recognized. Click here for more information.

Coming soon!

Divine DIY Book 1: Of Spirit & Soul. At the root of all creation is an intelligent, creative, eternal field of energy. The very first principle asks you to embrace this Source, not as your master, but as yourself. We are immersed in this field, and "live and move and have our being in it." There is nothing that exists outside this field.



Our workshops are often taught in New Thought churches in conjunction with Sunday Talks. They all provide a workbook to keep and backed by years of research.

Vibrational Mastery. This workshop and the accompanying workbook are all about using your thoughts, emotions, actions and imagination to sculpt and shape your own energy field. It’s hands-on, with plenty of practices and ideas to move you forward. Even after the workshop is over, you can find treasures here that will bring you deeper and deeper into your own practice. Click here for more information.

Spiritual Freedom. This workshop examines ancient ideas found in various faiths that might help you to become aware of your sacred self and awaken to the authentic spiritual life you are being called to experience. Click here for more information.

The Elemental Spirit. This workshop invites you to infuse all aspects of your created self with the light of your divine self. You are pure consciousness that entered the field of duality - this world - to experience or express the human condition. The process of manifestation involved organizing the pure energy into more and more organized forms - from soul to mind to emotions to body. These four bodies are manifest by your own will. Click here for more information.


Spiritual Life Coaching

If you live in the Palm Coast, FL area, make an appointment for a free consultation today! Click here for more information.



Copyright © 2017 Shari Falter, Emerging Spirit Ministries, Contact Us at shari@emergingspirit.org

Emerging Spirit



Emerging Spirit is the home to all things spiritual - coaching, workshops, articles and publications that are produced by me - Sharon Falter and my associates.

Whether you are contacting me for spiritual coaching, to schedule a workshop or storytelling session for your church or group or to sign up for an existing workshop you can expect that your spiritual journey is primary.

Our goal is to provide practical spirituality, where information is supported by experiences that are created in a safe and supportive atmosphere. We never want you to take our word for anything. It is our deepest wish that you explore and test our ideas and theories for yourself.

Spiritual & Life Coaching


Free initial consultation - Whether you find yourself in a personal crisis or questioning your next steps in life, having a coach can help you move forward with a vision. A coach is somebody who helps you organize your thoughts and develop a plan of action to make those thoughts manifest more clearly in your life.

Coaches are different than therapists in that they're less interested in why you do something than helping you see clearly how that something is impacting your current life - and what are you going to do about it.

Click here to read more.